To change the default OCR program and text format
In the Send To options of certain programs on the Send To bar, you can specify the OCR program you want to use, such as Nuance OmniPage, as well as the file type in which you want to convert text that is copied by the OCR program.
On the Tools ribbon, click
Send To Options in the Links group, and then, in the Program Links list, click the icon for the linked program.
In the Send Items As area, select the file type and the OCR program you want to use. Click Settings to specify further details for OCR.
Click OK.
For a list of advantages in using OmniPage in place of PaperPort OCR, see Using OmniPage with PaperPort.
To quickly access tuning options for any program link, right-click the icon on the Send To bar and then click Send To Options.