Refining your search criteria
When you search for items in PaperPort, you can:
Find exact matches
Find approximate matches
Search by item content
Use wildcards
Narrow a search with Boolean operators
Finding exact matches
Use Exact text to find only an exact match of your index search criteria. For example, if you search for freeze, All-in-One Search finds freeze, freezer, and deepfreeze, but not freezing.
Finding approximate matches
If you are not sure of the exact text, use Approximate to find items that closely match the search criteria, such as words that are slightly misspelled or that contain transposed characters. For example, if you search for receive, All-in-One Search finds the spelling error recieve.
Searching by item content
In the Containing indexed text box, enter a word or phrase for your index search. Any word in this field is automatically “stemmed”, meaning that any item that contains a variation of the word is included in the search results. For example, if you search for book, All-in-One Search finds items with book, booked, bookings, and so on.
Using wildcards
You can use the asterisk (*) and the question mark (?) as wildcard characters when you initiate an index search to find items in PaperPort.
Use the question mark as a one-character placeholder to indicate that a character must exist but can be any character. Use the asterisk to specify that one or more characters (or no character) may exist in the string.
For example, to find a Zip code that starts with 0195, 0195? will find 01950, 01951, 01952, and so on, whereas 0195* finds any numeric sequence that starts with 0195, such as 0195, 01950, 01950123, and so on.
Narrow a search with Boolean operators
You can use the Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT, and parentheses ( ) to help refine an index search, so that you find only certain words.
Use AND to find two or more words not in the same phrase. The Boolean operator AND links two words or terms. For example, to find receipts and expenses, enter receipts AND expenses.
Use OR to find at least one specified word. For example, expenses OR receipts will find items that contain either expenses or receipts.
Use NOT to find items that contain only the first specified word while excluding the second word. For example, invoices NOT bills will find items that contain the word invoices but not bills.
Use parenthesis to nest or group words when using more than one Boolean operator and three or more keywords. For example, receipts AND (expenses OR invoices) will find items that contain receipts and expenses—or receipts and invoices.
Operations inside parentheses will be searched first. For example,
(receipts OR expenses OR invoices) AND bills will find items that have any of words in parentheses and also the word bills.