To adjust brightness, color and tint PaperPort enhance Adjusting brightness, color, and tint

PaperPort makes it easy to quickly improve the quality of an image by adjusting its sharpness, brightness, contrast, color, or tint.

  1. Display the image item in the Image View window and click the Page tab.

  2. Choose  PaperPort sharpen Adjusting brightness, color, and tint Sharpen or click the arrow next to PaperPort enhance Adjusting brightness, color, and tint Enhance and choose from options

  • PaperPort enhance brightness Adjusting brightness, color, and tint Brightness & Contrast,

  • PaperPort enhance color Adjusting brightness, color, and tint Color,

  • PaperPort enhance tint Adjusting brightness, color, and tint Tint.

For Sharpen, use a slider to blur or sharpen the image. For the three Enhance options, the Enhance Image dialog box displays the original image and eight different samples or variations of that image .

  1. In the Enhance Image dialog box, select Brightness & Contrast, Color, or Tint.

  2. Drag the slider to adjust the selected attribute. Notice that the eight images update relative to the current image.

  3. When you see the image you like best, double-click it. The image moves to the center pane and is displayed as the current image. If you do not like changes, click Undo or Reset.

  4. Click OK.


To ensure that your original image is unchanged, it is a good idea to make a backup copy of the image before you make adjustments.


Adjusting brightness, color, and tint