Erasing parts of image items 
To erase a part of an image item
You can use the Eraser button to remove or erase any area on an image item. For blank and white images, such as documents, PaperPort uses white as the default color for the erased area. When working with color images, you can select from a palette of colors.
Note that you can change the color and size of the eraser before or after you use the Eraser tool.
Display the image item in the Image View window.
On the Page ribbon, click the arrow next to
Eraser and choose
The pointer changes into a square when you move it over the image.
To change the color or size of the eraser square, click the arrow next to
Eraser and choose
Eraser Color or
Eraser Size; specify the thickness of the line for the latter.
Drag the square over the image, and then hold down the mouse button to erase the area you want.
To erase large rectangular areas, use the Erase Inside tool. Choose Select Area on the Page ribbon, draw a box around the area you want to erase, and then choose
Erase Inside.
To erase edges
You can use the Erase Outside command to remove the edges of the scanned image by setting the border area to white. You can use this feature in the Image View, or in a scan profile (as Erase Edges) to remove marginal notes and scanning shadows.
On a single page in Image View
Display the image item in the Image View.
Select Area to define the area to be left untouched. All the other parts of the image will be rendered white.
On the Page ribbon, choose
Erase Outside.
On all pages scanned by a scan profile
On the Scan or Get Photo pane, select a scan profile that should contain the erasing edges feature.
Click Settings and the SET tab.
On the SET panel, turn on Erase Edges and then click Erase Edges Settings.
In the Erase Edges Settings dialog box, select a measurement unit in the Units selection box.
Define the parameters based on the measurement unit. You can specify all edges evenly, or any of the margins separately: top, right, bottom and left. Then click OK.
Be sure your values are suitable for all pages you plan to scan with this profile.