Moving and copying subfolders
You can drag and drop subfolders with their contents to other subfolders or to other PaperPort folders. You can also create new subfolders and move or copy items to those subfolders to suit any organizational need. When copying, the original subfolder and its content remain in the original location as well.
Drag a subfolder with the right mouse button to be prompted to move or copy it.
To move subfolders
In the Folders pane, select the subfolder you want to move.
Use the mouse to drag and drop the selected subfolder to a new location.
— or —
Click the right mouse button, and then on the shortcut menu, click
Move to Folder. In the Move To Folder dialog box, select the destination folder.
To copy subfolders
In the Folders pane, select the subfolder you want to copy.
Hold down the Ctrl key as you drag and drop the subfolder to the new location.
— or —
Click the right mouse button, click
Copy to Folder on the shortcut menu, and then, in the Copy to Folder dialog box, select the destination folder.
You can also copy virtual folders and web folders from Windows Explorer to the Folders pane.